Why Does My Baby Have Acne?

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Newborn baby acne, also referred to as neonatal acne, is a condition that appears within the first six weeks of a baby's life. The exact cause isn't certain, but it's thought to develop because of hormones or a reaction to yeast that lives on the skin. The symptoms look similar to acne that affects older age groups, including raised red bumps and sometimes small whiteheads.

Babies get acne at different ages. There is a difference between acne in a newborn and acne in a baby older than 6 weeks, called infantile acne. This type is not nearly as common as newborn baby acne, but it's more persistent, typically lasting six months to a year or more. Both infantile and neonatal acne will usually resolve on their own without treatment.

This article will explain the causes of baby acne, the other conditions that can resemble it, as well as treatment options and remedies you can try to reduce it.

Baby with acne
princessdlaf / Getty Images

Baby Acne Symptoms

Newborn baby acne looks similar to the acne you may have had during your teenage years. Your baby might have:

On some babies, newborn acne looks like a rough, bumpy red rash.

Newborn acne commonly appears on the: 

  • Face
  • Chest 
  • Back
  • Scalp
  • Neck

It is most common on the cheeks and nose.

Baby acne may be present at birth or it may develop in the first few weeks of life. It often starts out as a few discolored dots that turn into raised, red bumps over time. It may come and go over the course of several weeks and can look worse when the baby is fussy or crying.

Newborn baby acne typically appears during the first two weeks after birth, although it can occur anytime before 6 weeks of age.

Baby vs. Infantile Acne

Infantile acne typically appears between 3 and 6 months of age. Infantile acne is more concerning than neonatal acne because it can be a reaction to certain products that contact your baby's skin or a sign of another health problem such as eczema or a skin infection. Infantile acne is also more likely to scar.

Most of the time, infantile acne resolves on its own, though it may take as long as a year. 

When to See a Healthcare Provider

Acne that appears after the first 6 weeks of age should be evaluated by a healthcare provider. Certain medications, viral illnesses, and allergic reactions can cause an acne-like rash, and it's important to rule these causes out.

If your infant develops a rash or acne-like breakout at any age after being sick or taking a new medication, let your healthcare provider know right away. You should also see a healthcare provider if your baby has blackheads, whiteheads, or inflammation. 


The direct cause of newborn baby acne is unknown. It may be caused by high levels of hormones passed to your baby through the placenta, which could affect the production of sebum in the skin. When there is too much of this oily substance, it can clog pores.

Some research also suggests that an inflammatory reaction to skin colonization with Malassezia yeast can be the cause.

In addition, since a baby's skin is delicate, it can be irritated by contact with milk, formula, or spit-up, which may lead to acne. Rough fabrics or clothes laundered in harsh detergents can also aggravate delicate skin and make baby acne look worse.

If your newborn has acne, talk to your healthcare provider about which soaps, lotions, or creams are best to use, as some can cause irritation.

Can kisses cause baby acne?

Kisses are unlikely to cause baby acne. However, there are certain things that can irritate a baby's skin if it touches them. A few examples of these include milk, formula, spit-up, and some soaps and lotion.


It is possible that hormones passed from you to your baby during breastfeeding could contribute to baby acne. However, baby acne should not be a reason to change the way you feed your baby. If you're concerned, talk to your healthcare provider.

Similar Conditions

Some conditions may resemble newborn baby acne.


Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, is an inflammatory skin condition that damages the skin barrier function and makes the skin more susceptible to dryness, irritation, and infection.

When your baby has eczema, their immune system overreacts to allergens and environmental triggers such as air pollutants, which can inflame the skin and cause symptoms.

Symptoms of eczema can include:

  • Dry and itchy skin
  • Red rashes
  • Bumps
  • Swelling

Food Allergy

If your baby has a food allergy, it means that their immune system thinks that a food protein is harmful and works to fight against it. Symptoms of allergic reactions can include hives or a skin rash, swelling of lips, stomach pain, and in some cases, a severe reaction known as anaphylaxis.


Heat rash, also known as prickly heat, is a rash that's most common in babies and children. It occurs when sweat ducts become blocked and inflamed and sweat gets trapped under the skin. This typically happens when the baby is overdressed or exposed to hot weather. Symptoms of heat rash include itchy, irritated, or reddened skin, in addition to small blisters.

Rashes can also be a result of other conditions like chickenpox, measles, and insect bites.


Milia are small cysts that form due to keratin (dead skin cells) getting trapped under the skin. They are also called milk bumps or milk cysts. While milia may resemble whiteheads, they are not acne. Newborns are prone to developing milia during their first few weeks of life, often on the nose.

Milia are completely harmless. Just like with newborn baby acne, the vast majority of cases disappear without treatment.


While acne causes pimples, a simple rash, also known as dermatitis, may also involve redness and swelling of the skin. The skin may also be dry, scaly, or itchy. With a rash, bumps and blisters can also appear.

A common cause of rashes is coming into contact with things that may irritate the skin, like diapers, cosmetic products, chemicals, and poison ivy.

Erythema Toxicum

This is a skin condition that affects babies in the first few days of life. It usually presents as tiny bumps or red blotches and may appear on your baby's face or elsewhere on the body such as the chest, arms, or legs. It usually resolves on its own within a week. 

What Helps Baby Acne Go Away?

Unless an underlying condition is the cause of your baby's acne, there is no need to treat it. Newborn acne doesn't harm your baby at all and is purely a cosmetic issue.

In rare cases, topical acne medications may be used to treat baby acne. But healthcare providers will only prescribe them if there is a compelling reason to do so.

If your baby develops infantile acne, it's best to consult a pediatric dermatologist to make sure that your baby's acne is not caused by an underlying condition or a certain skin product. But just like with newborn baby acne, infantile acne is typically harmless and goes away on its own eventually.

Home Remedies

Sometimes the best thing you can do for baby acne is to leave it alone and let it resolve naturally. If it bothers you, however, there are a few home remedies for baby acne on the face. Keep in mind, however, that your baby's skin is delicate and you should avoid using products or cleaning methods that might irritate it.

  • Try washing your baby's skin with warm water and a clean, soft washcloth. Don't scrub or use soap. Do this once or twice a day.
  • Discontinue any oily or greasy lotions or other products that contact your baby's skin.
  • Don't pick at your baby's blemishes.
  • Keep your baby's skin free from food residue and spit-up.


Baby acne is common in newborns and can even affect babies older than six weeks. Its cause is unknown, but it is thought to be related to high hormone levels present after birth or infection by a certain type of yeast.

The best treatment for baby acne is often to leave it alone. If it gets worse, if it appears in an older baby, or if it happens after an illness or starting a new medication, talk to your healthcare provider. They will be able to look for conditions that might look similar to baby acne and prescribe medication if necessary.

9 Sources
Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
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  2. American Academy of Dermatology Association. Is that acne on my baby's face?

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  4. Serna-Tamayo C, Janniger CK, Micali G, Schwartz RA. Neonatal and infantile acne vulgaris: An update. Cutis. 2014;94(1):13-16.

  5. Keller JP, Dunlop JH, Ryder NA, Peng RD, Keet CA. Long-term ambient air pollution and childhood eczema in the United States. Environ Health Perspect. 2022;130(5):57702. doi:10.1289/EHP11281

  6. American Academy of Pediatrics. Eczema in babies and children.

  7. American Academy of Pediatrics. Anaphylaxis in infants & children.

  8. John Hopkins Medicine. Prickly Heat.

  9. MedlinePlus. Rashes.

By Angela Palmer
Angela Palmer is a licensed esthetician specializing in acne treatment.